Multi-agent systems and online learning environments
Higher Normal School, Abdelmalek Essaàdi University, Tétouan, Morocco.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2025, 22(03), 028-036.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2025.22.3.0030
Publication history:
Received on 03 January 2025; revised on 22 February 2025; accepted on 25 February 2025
Multi-agent systems (MAS) have received significant attention in artificial intelligence, specifically in describing complex interactions between autonomous entities. In educational environments supporting web-based learning, MAS is critical in supporting individualization, administration, and overall educational experiences. MAS structures include many intelligent agents working together to generate a range of computer-based training and instruction capabilities. There have been increased requirements for personalized and flexible training and instruction, and, in consequence, increased interest in deploying MAS in web-based educational structures over the past years. In this article, an analysis of the use of MAS in web-based training, with a specific focus on its role, strengths, weaknesses, and future contribution in educational settings, is discussed. By employing theoretical underpinnings, real implementations, and important considerations in creating smart training environments through MAS, the article clarifies individual learner requirements, evaluation processes, and feedback in real-time, enhancing motivation and educational performance. In addition, we present an analysis of ethical and technological impediments in deploying MAS and future directions for researching and optimizing such structures for web-based educational environments. By leveraging breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, MAS can reform traditional educational approaches and develop effective, extendable, and accessible web-based training environments.
Multi-agent systems; Online learning; Artificial intelligence in education; Personalized learning; Adaptive learning environments; Collaborative Learning
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